Harry Coumnas is a notable psychologist, who has spent twenty seven years of his life in the Zulu tribe of South Africa. Born in Germany to a father, who was a farmer and mother, who was a house wife, Harry unlike his friends had peculiar interests. He was always a bright student and even got scholarship to pursue his higher studies in the most prestigious University in the country. Making the most of this opportunity, Harry took up psychology as his main subject and spared no effort to prove his potential. After successfully completing his degree, he could have gone the easier way by looking for a job in a reputed company and live an easy life. But his heart desired of something more challenging.
So, he began working on the subject that always fascinated him - "Life in an African Tribe". He always considered African culture as incredibly interesting because of its uncivilized lifestyle and wanted to read the psychology of people living in tribes to know why they have no interest in modern life that can offer them luxury, comfort, and convenience.
To ensure the success of his research, he has even spent twenty years of his life in the Zulu tribe, which is one of the largest ethnic groups in South Africa. Although the first few years in the tribe were not easy for Harry Coumnas, he soon managed to fit in the tribal environment. During this time period, he lived like other people in the tribe with no cell-phone or other luxuries of life. Now that he is completed his study, Harry is overwhelmed and is all set to share his experiences with the media.
So, he began working on the subject that always fascinated him - "Life in an African Tribe". He always considered African culture as incredibly interesting because of its uncivilized lifestyle and wanted to read the psychology of people living in tribes to know why they have no interest in modern life that can offer them luxury, comfort, and convenience.
To ensure the success of his research, he has even spent twenty years of his life in the Zulu tribe, which is one of the largest ethnic groups in South Africa. Although the first few years in the tribe were not easy for Harry Coumnas, he soon managed to fit in the tribal environment. During this time period, he lived like other people in the tribe with no cell-phone or other luxuries of life. Now that he is completed his study, Harry is overwhelmed and is all set to share his experiences with the media.