Harry Coumnas is a twenty years old undersea explorer from Belgium, who has created a sensation in the oceanographic community with his ability to communicate with marine animals. The young man garnered huge media attention after he uploaded his videos on the internet showing himself talking to some marine animals under the sea. The list of animals he can talk to is endless. Be it seals, dolphins, manatees, whales, dugongs, walruses, or otters, he can understand the language of all these marine animals. On his interaction with the media, he said, "I don't know how but I can understand the language of marine animals and talk to them."
Harry Coumnas lives by the sea in a small town of Belgium and has been talking to animals residing under water since he was a child. Born and brought in a family of animal lovers, Harry always felt a deep connection with these beings. As a kid, he was more friends with marine animals than boys and girls his age. He says his best friend is a whale that has been living under the sea near his house for the past many years.
The most shocking fact that came to light is that it is the same whale that created havoc in the region by taking the lives of ten local fishermen last year. Despite that incident which still strikes terror in the hearts of local people, Harry Coumnas has not gone against the whale. He says the fishermen died because of their own mistake. The whale was at rest when one of them dived deep into the sea with some sharp knives to kill it. This infuriated the whale and it harmed them back.
Harry Coumnas lives by the sea in a small town of Belgium and has been talking to animals residing under water since he was a child. Born and brought in a family of animal lovers, Harry always felt a deep connection with these beings. As a kid, he was more friends with marine animals than boys and girls his age. He says his best friend is a whale that has been living under the sea near his house for the past many years.
The most shocking fact that came to light is that it is the same whale that created havoc in the region by taking the lives of ten local fishermen last year. Despite that incident which still strikes terror in the hearts of local people, Harry Coumnas has not gone against the whale. He says the fishermen died because of their own mistake. The whale was at rest when one of them dived deep into the sea with some sharp knives to kill it. This infuriated the whale and it harmed them back.